Rock Music

Posted by Padang Cahaya on July 21, 2011

Rock music is part of popular music today. It is played and listened in almost every countries in the world. Rock and roll was the name given to the music that developed in the early 1950's. It is believed that the term rock and roll was first used by a disk jockey, Alan Freed.

In 1955, records of a young singer from Tennessee, Elvis Presley, were heard across the US. After he apperead on nation-wide television, Elvis Presley's singing and his performing style came to mean rock and roll all over the world. Then came Bill Haley and The Comets. Rock mainly became the music of the young. They understood its beat and sound, and this lyrics.

The 1970's were the time of big developments in the rock industry. Rock became a very big business, earned more money annually than any other form of entertainment including the film industry.

Taken from The Book of Knowledge, 2007

{ 2 Comments... read them below or add one }

Planking said...

Nice article I like rock music thanks for visit my blog

Sukadi said...

Nice article...
Thanks.. :)